The school is always the applicant for the declaration of admissibility (toelaatbaarheidsverklaring, TLV) . For this purpose, the school fills out (or supplements) a file which expands over the years with the development of the pupil (groeidocument) or developmental outlook file (ontwikkelingsperspectief). The school incorporates, for example, the conversations they had with you about your child's development and about the need for a referral to a type of special (primary) education. The document gives us an overview of your child's school development, the measures that school has already taken and the effect of these measures. This is the underlying basis for a referral to another type of special (primary) education. For sending other documents, such as a psychological assessment, the school needs your permission.

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You can discuss your views and opinions with your school's internal supervisor. The internal supervisor will incorporate these in the  file which expands with the development of the pupil (groeidocument) or the developmental outlook file (ontwikkelingsperspectief) under ‘Relevante factoren in de thuissituatie’ (Relevant factors in the domestic situation) and under the heading ‘Verwijzing' (Referral).

School is not obligated to change its own information in the file which expands with the development of the child (groeidocument) or the developmental outlook file (ontwikkelingsperspectief) at your request. However, you always have the possibility to add additional information to the application. This way you can be sure that your views and opinion are clearly expressed. School is obliged to send this information with the application.

Also, during the assessment of the application, you can explain your views and opinion during the conversation(s) with the social expert and educational advisor of our samenwerkingsverband.

If the school wishes to send information from other parties (e.g. research reports) with the application, this is only allowed with your permission.

In most cases they cannot. It is only possible if there is placement funding (plaatsbekostiging). This usually goes hand in hand with the involvement of a healthcare institution. In such a case, your child will receive care and education which can be funded on a temporary basis from the placement funding. If there is no placement funding, a declaration of admissibility is always required.

School is allowed to submit an application for a declaration of admissibility (toelaatbaarheidsverklaring, TLV) to het samenwerkingsverband without your permission. However, schools must follow certain requirements for this. In order for your opinion and vision to be properly represented, it is important that you have a conversation with us as soon as the application is being assessed. You cannot stop the application, but you can make sure that it is clear how you think your child is doing and what you think he or she needs. Our experts will take this into account when giving advice on which type of education is most suitable for your child. 

It is best to discuss your difference of opinion with the teacher and the school's internal supervisor or support coordinator. It is useful if you call in advance or ask when school has time for this meeting with you. Then the school can make time for it and, just like you, prepare well for the meeting.

In this case too, the school is allowed to apply for a declaration of admissibility without your permission. If that happens, there will always be an interview with our experts in which you can both express your views and opinions.

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